Garages on Kingstown in Carlisle have again been targeted by thieves.

On the weekend of the 1st December thieves stole catalytic converters and other items from under the bonnets of vans and lorries to sell the metal inside. The exhaust part can can be sold for as much as £100 to scrap metal dealers and leaves the owners with a large replacement bill.

  • Check all perimeter fencing to ensure it is intact and in good order.
  • Make sure there are no items stacked against or next to perimeter fencing as these may assist intruders to climb the fence.
  • Park vans, 4x4s or any vulnerable vehicles and equipment in well lit areas.
  • Don't park all your vehicles in a line against the fence as this provides excellent cover for intruders.
  • Make a note of any suspicious persons/vehicles/activity seen through the daytime. 
  • Thieves will often 'recce' a site before they hit it later.Any such suspicious person, vehicles or activity should be reported to the Police and your Security Provider.
  • Try to ensure vulnerable areas are well lit with motion sensor activated halogen lights.Install motion detection CCTV or external alarm in vulnerable areas.

If you would like any further information call us at Ultimate Security Group on 01228 513345 for a no obligation chat.