• 75 Parkhill Road, Kingstown Industrial Estate, Carlisle, CA3 0EX
  • 01228 51 33 45


Advice on Bogus Callers

Although most callers to your home are genuine, some are not but with some simple precautions you can prevent them gaining access to your home.

Remember it's your home.Don't be afraid to say 'No' and report anything suspicious to police.

  • Don't feel rude refusing someone entry to your home, it's your doorstep your choice
  • Keep front and back doors locked with keys taken out and unseen from any side windows, even when at home.
  • When someone call look through a spy hole or window to identify the caller. Put the door chain on first before opening the door, and keep it on whilst talking to the caller
  • Just because they say they're from the gas company, police or council, it doesn't necessarily mean they are. Check their identity card carefully even if the caller has pre-arranged appointment, if unsure ask them to wait and call the provider or the local police for advice. Do not use a telephone number given by the caller as this could call through to an accomplice.
  • Bogus callers can also wear ordinary clothes, could be children or adults wanting nothing more than a drink of water or to wash their hands – beware these requests, they are excuses to distract you and make you leave your doorway.
  • Do not let visitors in a hurry, pressurise or confuse you – ask them to wait outside while you confirm who they are, a genuine visitor won't mind waiting.
  • If you are not comfortable ask the caller to return at a later time, or another day(then you can arrange someone to be with you) if you are not sure DO NOT LET THEM IN.

Further information:Share this advice. Please tell family, friends and neighbours, especially older people, about these precautions and review their security as if it was your own home.

Further advice is available from your local Crime Prevention Officer at your local police station or agencies such as Age UK or Consumer Direct – available on 08454 04 05 06 for free consumer advice.

If you are suspicious about a caller inform the police on 101 or in an Emergency dial 999.

Boat Fire Safety Advice
Britain Energy Coast Security Conference.


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Wednesday, 12 February 2025

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Ultimate Security Group in Carlisle, Cumbria

75 Parkhill Road, Kingstown Industrial Estate, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 0EX
T: 01228 51 33 45
F: 01228 51 43 07
E: info@ultimatesecuritygroup.co.uk

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